ARCH2021 Course Syllabus

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  2. Course Web Site:
  3. Instructor: Prof. Salih Ofluoğlu (
  4. Teaching Assistants:
  5. Course Hours: Thursdays  08:30-12:30
  6. Credit: 2
  7. Nature of the course: Compulsory
  8. Course Outline: This course examines designing, drafting, documenting and presenting architectural projects in a Building Information Modeling (BIM) environment. BIM proposes a new approach of designing documenting, , constructing and even maintaining buildings.  BIM constitutes an integrated model within which all graphic and non-graphic data for all the elements of a building are embedded. Architects and other building professionals work with this 3D model from the schematic design to construction document phases. They add details to the model as the project progresses; update it when necessary, and extract data from it to generate appropriate architectural/engineering representations and in order to produce calculations and analysis. The ability of using the same model throughout the life cycle of a building improves data consistency; facilitates project revisions, and shortens the project time.
  9. Course Objectives:
    • Understanding the working principles of BIM software packages
    • Designing and drafting architectural model using a BIM software
    • Documenting an architectural project with BIM
    • Presenting and plotting an architectural model in BIM
  10. Requirements and Assessments:
      # Percentage Important Notes!

      • A bonus of 5% will be added to the final grade of students fulfilling an %80 (11/14 classes) attendance.
      • Late assignments will not be accepted.
      Attendance 5%
      Take-home assignments 2 10%
      Lab works 3 15%
      Mid-term 1 25%
      Final project 1 45%
  11. Weekly Schedule:
      W Date Theme Lecture Title Activity
      01 29/09 Introduction to BIM and ArchiCAD
      02 06/10 Modeling: Constructing plans Fund. Drawing Commands / Wall / Columns
      03 13/10 Pen Weight / Wind.-Doors / Quick Print. / Layers Take Home 1
      04 20/10 Libraries / Editing Commands
      05 27/10 Modeling: Multi storey buildings Slabs / Creating Stories / Beams
      06 04/11 Stairs / Roofs Take Home 1 Due
      07 10/11 Working with shell tool
      08 17/11 Midterm
      09 24/11 Modeling (cont.) Site Modeling Commands
      10 01/12 Libraries Creating and Obtaining Objects
      11 08/12 Documenting
      Sections and Elevations Take Home 2
      12 15/12 Text / Dimensioning / Hatching
      13 22/12 Layout Design and Plotting / File Exchange Final Project
      Take Home 2 Due
      14 29/12 Presenting Materials, Lighting, Rendering 1
      15 05/01 Materials, Lighting, Rendering 2
  12. Reading List:
    • Ofluoglu, Salih, ArchiCAD 9.0 ile Kolay Mimari Modelleme, Görselleştirme ve Projelendirme, Akademya, 2006 (Available on Library Reserve).
    • Simmons, Thomas M., ArchiCAD 9 Training Guide, Graphisoft, 2004
      (Available in CD-ROM on Library Reserve).
    • Graphisoft, ArchiCAD User Guide Vol1. Vol.2, Version 8.1 (Available on Library Reserve).
    • Mitchell, William J and Malcolm McCullough, Digital Design Media, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995.
    • Sanders, Ken, The Digital Architect, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1996.
