EMU-BIM: Theory and Practice

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Course Code Title:

ARCH535 Building Information Modeling: Theory and Practice

Course Schedule

Mondays, 09:30-12:30

Course Description:

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a relatively new approach to designing, documenting, constructing and even maintaining buildings. BIM has a significant impact on AEC-related practices and offers an important competitive advantage for professionals using it.  BIM relies on a working approach for creating a semantic virtual 3D prototype of a physical building. It is essentially a 3D integrated model within which all graphic and non-graphic data for all the elements of a building are embedded. These models are also interoperable; therefore, help facilitate collaboration between building professionals. In contrast to common geometric building drawings/models intended only for construction purposes, building information models are often used in different project contexts for problem-solving and informed decision-making.

This course examines the implementation of BIM in various design, construction and facility management-related tasks in a building lifecycle. It presents the conceptual framework associated with BIM technologies and working systematics. Course topics will incorporate the utilization of BIM in architectural design and modeling, collaboration and interoperability with BIM, BIM-enabled energy efficiency and Sustainability, BIM-supported project and asset management, BIM standards, protocols, implementation plans and common data environment (CDE) that constitute BIM working systematics. 3D architectural modeling, clash detection and 4D/5D modeling topics will be also be illustrated using relevant software with practical exercises.

Course Objectives:

  •  To introduce the conceptual framework and technologies associated with Building Information Modeling
  •  To illustrate the use of BIM in all stages of a building’s lifecycle.
  •  To present the multi-disciplinary nature of building projects and contemporary methods for facilitating project management and communication in project participants
  • To convey information about the use of BIM in project management at planning, construction and facility management phases.
  • To introduce the changes in business processes in building firms due to BIM
  • To offer practical experience and skill with BIM software in particular to architectural modeling,3D coordination, clash-detection and 4D/5D planning

Course Teaching Policy:

There will be weekly seminars covering various aspects of Building Information Modeling. These seminars will be enriched with reading materials around which class discussions will take place. When relevant, guest speakers will also be invited to contribute with their professional and/or academic views on the subject. In-class and take-home software exercises are also integral parts of the course, and they will contribute to the understanding of information-based modeling and the systematic working method of BIM.

This is a mainly online course. The university’s video conferencing software will be used for online seminars and software practices.

Students are required to create an Autodesk 360 account if they do not already have one. Students are eligible to sign up for a free account. Educational licenses of all Autodesk software listed above are individually available to students and educators for teaching, learning and research purposes for free of charge. EMU is also a qualified institution to receive access to free multi-user licenses to Autodesk software titles available through the Education Community for installation in classrooms or labs if a need arises. Students are encouraged to use their personal computers. Autodesk Revit and Autodesk Navisworks Manage will be used to illustrate some of the practical content.

BIM Capability Assessment Form

This form was prepared to understand your level of competency in BIM. It helps the course flow and subject selection in the practice sections.

Course Weekly Program:

Week Date Topics Notes/Assignments
1 03 Oct.
2 10 Oct.
3 17 Oct. Course Introduction Introduction
Reading Article 1
4 24 Oct. General Trends in AEC fields and the Needs for BIM Reading 1 Discussions
Reading Article 2
5 31 Oct. Components of BIM and BIM uses in the building lifecycle Reading 2 Discussions
Case Study Firm Proposal
6 07 Nov. 3D Model Coordination and Clash Detection
7 14 Nov. 4D/5D Modeling for Time and Cost Estimating
8 21 Nov. BIM Case Study Presentations Case Study In-term Report
9 28 Nov. Project Data Management with BIM  (ISO 19650) TW Presentations 1
10 05 Dec. BIM Modeling / Documentation Practice 1 TW Presentations 2
11 12 Dec. BIM Modeling / Documentation Practice 2 TW Presentations 3
12 19 Dec. BIM Modeling / Documentation Practice 3 TW Presentations 4
13 26 Dec. BIM Modeling / Documentation Practice 4 Case Study Pre-Final Report
14 02 Jan. BIM-enabled Sustainable Design

Course Assessment:

Technology Watch (TW) Presentations: 
Students offer a short presentation and submit a three-page report on the existing or emerging technologies that have to do with an aspect of BIM. Some of the possible TW to<pics are :
Collaboration and Interoperability, Energy and Sustainability, BIM Project Management, Facility Management, Field related Technologies, Internet of Things (IOT), BIM Implementation Plans and Strategies, BIM Standards and Protocols, Utilization of BIM in Design, BIM supported Visualization, New Working Practices with BIM, BIM and Public Sector, Computational BIM
Class Discussions:
They play an important part of the course. Student’s active participation and contribution to class discussions is encouraged and will be graded. Students area expected to study the weekly reading materials before the class.
BIM Modeling and Documentation Work %20
Case study interim report and presentation:
Students prepare interim reports and make presentations as part of the term project at the end of the semester.
Case study final report
This is the final outcome of the course. It is necessary to prepare and present a case study about the use of Building Information Modeling in a building practice setting. The project will be developed throughout the semester.
A minimum attendance of 80% (11/14 classes) is required.

Useful Materials and Links:

  • Deutsch, Randy (2011), “BIM and Integrated Design: Strategies for Architectural Practice,” Wiley.
  • Eastman, Charles, Paul Teicholz, Rafael Sacks, Kathleen Liston (2008), ”BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors,” John Wiley & Sons.
  • Eastman, Charles (1999), “Building Product Models: Computer Environments Supporting Design and Construction,” CRC Press.
  • Hardin, B. and Mccool, D. (2015), “BIM and Construction Management: Proven Tools, Methods and Workflows,” Sybex.
  • Kymmel, Willem (2008), “Building Information Modeling: Planning and Managing Construction Projects with 4D CAD and Simulations,” McGraw Hill.
  • Kumar, Bimal, (2015), “A Practical Guide to Adopting BIM in Construction Projects,” Whittles Publishing.
  • Kyrgiel, Eddy (2008), “Green BIM: Successful Sustainable Design with Building Information Modeling,” Sybex.
  • Leite, Fernanda L. (2020), “BIM for Coordination: A Virtual Design and Construction Guide for Designers, General Contractors and MEP SubContractors” Wiley.
  • Levy, Francois (2011), “BIM in Small-Scale Sustainable Design,” Wiley.
  • Reddy, K. P, (2012), “BIM for Building Owners and Developers: Making a Business Case for Using BIM on Projects,” Wiley.
  • Roberti, F and Ferrerira D., (2021), “Increasing Autodesk Revit Productivity for BIM Projects,” Packt Publishing.
  • Smith, Dana K, Michael Tardif (2009), “Building Information Modeling, A Strategic Implementation Guide,” John Wiley&Sons.
  • Weygant Robert S. (2011), “BIM Content Development: Standards Strategies and Best Practices,” John Wiley & Sons.
  • Others:
  • Autodesk Univ. Training Materials: https://www.autodesk.com/autodesk-university
  • UK BIM Framework: https://ukbimframeworkguidance.notion.site
  • BIMfili BIM Videos: https://www.bimfili.com
